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R&D Pipeline: balanced with focus


The number of research and development programmes is increasing year by year with a strong focus in three key areas: respiratory, neonatology and special care.



Respiratory is a core area of R&D expertise, which has delivered significant value for the company and continues to expand to meet areas of unmet medical need in asthma, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD) and other respiratory diseases.



Innovair est un facteur clé contribuant au chiffre d'affaire pour l'avenir de la société, mais il est encore également un élément très important de l'activité de R&D car nous déployons une gestion puissante du cycle de vie.


Notre programme Triple représente un engagement important envers une opportunité thérapeutique. Notre produit candidat contient trois substances actives dans un seul inhalateur qui permettront de garantir un traitement anti-inflammatoire efficace combiné à une bronchodilatation maximale dans l'ensemble de l'arbre respiratoire à chaque inhalation.


L'intéressant portefeuille de nouvelles molécules continue à se montrer prometteur. Ces programmes comprennent de nouvelles molécules anti-inflammatoires et bronchodilatatrices, ainsi que des molécules actives « double » innovantes comprenant deux cibles pharmacologiques différentes.




Chiesi has established an impressive platform in neonatology. In this area of high unmet medical need R&D programmes include novel and less-invasive methods. Further progress was made for the proprietary synthetic surfactant.


As we expand our pipeline behind these ground-breaking respiratory-focused products, new programmes have been developed and added for candidates for the treatment of other neonatal conditions. For example, there are currently no effective approved pharmacological therapeutics for neonatal brain injury: a relatively common condition associated with significant levels of morbidity and mortality in newborns. The programme of novel caspase inhibitors has progressed while a programme for the development of melatonin has begun.



Chiesi’s R&D model in the special care area includes some significant partnerships with selected companies skilled in the study of medicines for rare diseases. This enables the company to access advanced therapeutic platforms and promising new therapies in newer areas of the pipeline


The acquisition of Zymenex, the Scandinavian-based biotechnology company, represented a bold step to bring in Chiesi competencies in the biotech area and design therapies for treating extremely rare diseases through enzyme replacement therapy.


In partnership with Kamada we intend to provide patients with an inhaled alpha 1 antitrypsin, a novel delivery format for enzyme replacement therapy in a rare respiratory indication.

Gene therapy represents another breakthrough approach in therapeutics, and through the partnership with uniQure, Chiesi has now taken up an important position in this field. We are successfully engaged in the co-development of a targeted gene therapy for haemophilia B.


The partnership with Holostem has allowed us to develop a tissue-regeneration therapeutic medicinal product for the treatment of severe injury to the cornea.


